
Psychology or Psychiatry? Learn About the Services on LiveHealth Online
Psychology or Psychiatry? Learn About the Services on LiveHealth Online
Asking for help with behavioral health issues can be difficult. It can help to know the differences between psychology and psychiatry – and which one might be best for you.
5 Tips for Healthy Friendships
5 Tips for Healthy Friendships
Healthy friendships can benefit your physical and mental health, your mood, and even how long you live. Here are 5 ways you can build healthy friendships.
Self-Esteem and How to Boost It
Self-Esteem and How to Boost It
Good self-esteem can help you pursue success, happiness and positive relationships; low self-esteem is linked to depression, anxiety, addiction and poor relationships. Learn ways to boost your self-esteem.
Tips for Dealing with Conflict
Tips for Dealing with Conflict
Every relationship faces moments of conflict. Having the skills to manage conflicts can determine whether they become major blowups — or help strengthen your relationship. Here are some tips to better manage conflicts.
Mental Health Benefits of Staying Active
Mental Health Benefits of Staying Active
Physical activity isn’t just good for your body; it also has benefits for your brain and your mental health. Learn more about the positive effects of staying active.
What Can a Psychiatrist Prescribe Online?
What Can a Psychiatrist Prescribe Online?
If you’re planning to see a psychiatrist online, you might be wondering what types of medications they can prescribe. Whether you’ve previously seen a psychiatrist or this is your first visit, your psychiatrist will work with you to understand your needs and develop the right treatment plan, which may include medication.  
5 Misconceptions about Therapy
5 Misconceptions about Therapy
Therapy can help with a range of personal issues. But if you’ve never been in therapy before, you may hold back due to misconceptions about it. Here are five common myths – and the facts that can help you decide whether therapy is right for you.
How LiveHealth Online Can Help with Mental Health
How LiveHealth Online Can Help with Mental Health
Taking care of your mental health can have a positive effect on your life — it can help you reach your full potential and cope with challenges. 
Overcoming Loneliness: Hear from a Therapist Selena Bush, LCSW
Overcoming Loneliness: Hear from a Therapist Selena Bush, LCSW
Feeling lonely? Hear from a therapist about some tips to take with you to manage loneliness during and after the pandemic.
Seasonal Affective Disorder Explained + How to Take Care of Yourself
Seasonal Affective Disorder Explained + How to Take Care of Yourself
SAD, which is often referred to as seasonal depression and/or the “winter blues”, is extremely common and something that some people experience every year. 
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