Dr Mia’s Summertime First Aid Kit

Mia Finkelston
Posted on July 28, 2016
Dr Mia’s Summertime First Aid Kit

Summer fun also means bumps, bruises and rashes. We asked Dr. Mia Finkelston, who treats patients using LiveHealth Online, what she recommends you pack in your first aid kit for summertime.

Dr Mia’s summertime first aid kit includes….

  1. Ibuprofen
  2. Allergy medicine
  3. 1% hydrocortisone cream
  4. Astringent solution (for relief of minor skin irritations)
  5. Rubbing alcohol
  6. Hydrogen peroxide
  7. Adhesive bandages
  8. Moleskin (great for blisters when hiking or wearing new sandals that rub)

If you or your child has a health concern, you can speak to a doctor 24/7 using LiveHealth Online.

Comments and opinions from Dr. Mia Finkelston are hers alone. This is content from an interview and is not considered medical treatment.

Photo of Mia Finkelston
Mia Finkelston
Family Physician
20 years of experience
MCP Hahnemann University School of Medicine

Visit with Mia Finkelston and other board-certified doctors using LiveHealth Online

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