Get quality health care on your schedule
- Caring doctors - ready to help
- Experienced and board-certified
- Trained to perform visits online

Mia Finkelston
Family Physician
20 years of experience
MCP Hahnemann University School of Medicine

Janice Johnston
Family Physician
26 years of experience
University of Toronto

Wilbert Cain
Family Physician
33 years of experience
MeHarry Medical College
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Using your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Start a video visit
Board-certified doctors are available 24/7 and are trained to perform visits virtually.

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Get advice, treatment options, and a prescription if needed.
Common concerns
Minor rashes
Tooth pain
Pink eye
Cold & fever
Sore throat
Skin infections
or less per visit
Pricing varies depending on your health plan or employer.
- Free to sign up
- No monthly fees
- $55 or less per visit