
Tips written by the doctors you can speak to using LiveHealth Online
How to Address Bullying
How to Address Bullying
Being bullied hurts. Bullying can occur verbally, physically, and socially, in person, or through social media. It is the unwanted and repeated targeting by others that involves a real or perceived power dynamic that has been shown to be one of the most modifiable risk factors for mental health and…
Tips to Prevent and Treat Common Back to School Illnesses
Tips to Prevent and Treat Common Back to School Illnesses
Backpacks, lunch boxes, and pencils kits are out on every store shelf, which can only mean it’s Back to School season! While kids are in school, they’re also being exposed to all different kinds of childhood illnesses. Although it’s normal for children to be sick a few times in the…
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum Depression
The CDC estimates 1 in 9 women experience postpartum depression. This can be easy to confuse with the more-common “baby blues,” which refers to worry, mood swings, tearfulness, and difficulty sleeping caused by extreme hormonal changes in your body. Unlike “baby blues,” which usually resolves itself within two weeks of…
5 Ways Social Media Impacts Your Children
5 Ways Social Media Impacts Your Children
Whether we like it or not, social media use across generations has become an integral part of our lives today.  The American Academy of Pediatrics identifies multiple benefits and negative effects of social media on children and teens, and the fact of the matter is that these can apply to…
Stay Present with Mindful Meditation
Stay Present with Mindful Meditation
Research shows that people who habitually practice mindfulness reap numerous health benefits. But what exactly is mindfulness, and why should it be a part of your daily routine? Mindfulness is the term used to describe the ability to be completely present in the moment, aware of your surroundings, and fully…
Summer Tips and Tricks for Moms and Dads
Summer Tips and Tricks for Moms and Dads
Summer has finally arrived! Back are long, active days for parents and kids alike. To get the most out of the season, make sure the whole family is protected during outdoor activities with these three tips for safer summer fun: 1. Sun Safety- While we all love the summer sun, it’s…
When to Use LiveHealth Online This Summer
When to Use LiveHealth Online This Summer
It’s summer, which means it’s one of the best times to use telehealth. With LiveHealth Online, you can reach an available doctor from the convenience of a computer or mobile device no matter where you are or what time it is. Here's how LiveHealth Online can help you get the most out of your summer.
Tips to Keep Your Cool in the Heat
Tips to Keep Your Cool in the Heat
Summer’s here! As temperatures start sizzling, it’s important to stay safe during the hot, hazy days of the season. Heat-related illnesses can range from those that cause temporary discomfort to the fatal condition known as heat stroke, which claims the lives of hundreds of people each year. Just as a machine…
5 Questions with Therapist, Tish Wakefield
5 Questions with Therapist, Tish Wakefield
Tish Wakefield, who has helped patients on LiveHealth Online Psychology since 2015, talked to us about her experience as a therapist and and her time working with LiveHealth Online. After a career as a research scientist and working in the pharmaceutical industry, Tish earned a Master’s Degree in Social Work from…
Anxiety Management: Minimizing Stress in Daily Life
Anxiety Management: Minimizing Stress in Daily Life
No matter the triggers, we all experience anxiety in our lives from time to time. When those moments happen, it’s possible to lose sight of what’s actually important to us. We start being driven by worries and fears, rather than our values and interests. We also may unintentionally disengage from…
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