Feel better: Visit with a board-certified doctor

Feel better.

Visit with a board-certified doctor, therapist
or psychiatrist using LiveHealth Online.

How LiveHealth Online works

Icon - Step 1: Sign up or login

Sign up or login

Use your phone, tablet 
or computer
Icon - calendar, schedule a visit

Schedule a visit

Choose the doctor, therapist or psychiatrist, you would like to see to schedule an appointment.
Icon - get prescription

Get care

Get advice, treatment options and a prescription if needed.

How much does a LiveHealth Online visit cost?

LiveHealth Online fees are coordinated with your AEP medical plan.  For example, the fee for a medical consultation is $59 (before your deductible is satisfied) and can be paid directly from your HRA (if applicable), your HSA debit card, your FSA debit card, or your personal credit card.  If your annual deductible has been satisfied, you will only be responsible for the co-insurance associated with this fee.

Services available to you:

Icon - Anthem employee assistance program

Anthem Employee Assistance Program

Call your EAP at 1-877-585-9572 and ask about video therapy visits. An EAP representative will provide you with a coupon code and instruction on how to access no cost counseling visits through LiveHealth Online.
  • 6 free visits per year
Icon - breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Support

Get breastfeeding support from the comfort 
of home.
  • $0 per visit
Icon - Medical, heart, visit doctor any time


Visit with a doctor anytime, day or night. No appointments or long wait times.
  • $59 per visit
Icon - allergy, talk to a doctor


Speak with a doctor who knows the latest treatment trends in allergy care.
  • Price varies
Icon- psychology , talk to therapist


Talk with a therapist from the privacy of your home in 4 days or less.
  • $95 per visit
Icon - psychiatry


See a psychiatrist and discuss possible medication management needs.
  • $150 for initial visit
  • $75 for any follow up visits
Support at work

LiveHealth Online Kiosk

live health online kiosk

Connect face-to-face with a board-certified physician 24 hours a day, seven days a week — even when campus is closed. You can use the kiosk to get medical advice and receive a diagnosis or prescription, if needed.

Where can I find the kiosk?
live health online kiosk

Frequently asked questions:

For more answers, call 24/7 toll-free 1-800-LiveHealth or visit the AEP benefits website.